Let's start from the most annoying part. Why do we use hazard light, huh ? Why some smart engineer designed this fucking big red triangle ? I was taught we should use it ONLY in some emergency like car crash, dangerous situation on highway and so on. But Portuguese people found other use of it, like :
- when you're going to shop to buy a fucking cake
- when you're gossiping with a friend on the main street
- when you're out of parking space
- when you're too dumb to park anywhere else
- when you're drop off someone on the main street
And they really don't give a shit of your horn. They have to chitchat a little and you have to wait because don't you see ?! He put hazard lights ON !
They don't know how to drive trough traffic circle. I can write a book about their disability in driving a car. They don't know how to use turn-signal. Let's say they are changing lane on highway from right to left. They put fucking left turn-signal and... don't turn it off !!!! This is fucking upsetting. They can drive with it till the next turn or when they overtake someone.
When I was young I thought that cars form "west" are the best, like Germany(true), France(true). When I came here and saw how cars are scratched, bent, knocked I immediately changed my mind. They don't know how to park. They don't know how to use a clutch and they don't care about cars. All of them are dirty, rusted. If someone will ask me "what the fuck do you know" I will answer "yes, I know" because I was living in other countries and with full responsibility I can say that :
1. Kobiety SĄ gorszymi kierowcami niezależnie od tego jak jest w Portugalii
ReplyDelete2. Słowacja jest zajebista
3. Po kiego grzyba jechałeś do Portugalii skoro ich nie lubisz? Przestań człowieku hejtować
Ok, go fuck yourself! if you don't like Portugal then why are you here? You see, I'm Portuguese, born and raised, proudly and I'm elevem years old, you moron! And I speak and write in English almost perfectly! So we're not all dumb or retarded and you should delete this fucking blog!
ReplyDeleteI agree. If this idiot doesn´t like our country, then why wont he/she go away. He/She is just one of those people who criticize everything but doesn't move a finger.
I meant eleven years old, that stupid automatic corrector! But you get it!
ReplyDeleteYou should be deported! You get a job and then you create a blog criticizing the country where you're working.
És um pobre e mal agradecido!!!
Brah chill we just dont give a fuck ��
ReplyDeletePuta que ta pariu. Vai-te encher de moscas lá no caralho mais velho de onde saíste.
ReplyDeleteOMG this guy is so stupid.
ReplyDeleteOne guy makes a mistake and he assumes that all the country is bad wtf go fuck yoursef you piece of shit
Lol "Portugal cant drive even Slovakia drives better" So if u dont like Portugal go to Slovakia and live there forever if having good drivers is the most important to you! AND TOU ARE BOTHERED WITH THE RUSTY CARS!! WTF IS GOING ON WITH YOU?! WE CANT HAVE POOR PEOPLE IN THIS COUNTRY?! DO YOU THINK EVERYONE IS RICH? SHUT UP MOTHER FUCKER!!! THERE ARE NO POOR PEOPLE IN YOUR SHIT COUNTRY TOO? OR ARE YOU HOMELESS YOU BITCH AND YOU ARE YOU JEALOUS OF CAR OWNERS? BITCH
ReplyDeleteAgree totally, hating every minute in this dump
DeleteI just wanted to say that as an out of closet pansexual girl, with only 14 years and with plenty of friends from others nationalities that you're not right. I lived in Portugal my entire life, and my parents are really good drivers, my family and friends are very nice and I've never experienced prejudice for kissing girls, like my best friend (who happens to be black) has never ever in his entire life experienced racism. Sorry if my English isn't the best, but I just wanted to say that you really offended me because I love my country and I don't consider me or the people I know as "dumb", "arrogant" or "racist".
ReplyDeleteOh really? You should come here then. At least we could teach some manners. Just look at your fucking post and tell me who the fuck is arrogant and racist! Come eat some damn good food and drink a great wine while resting in an amazing beach. Come here and get to know our AMAZING people, and then you can talk. Or you are just jealous as fuck for our amazing football team that won de European?!
ReplyDeleteGo shave ur armpits moustache and arms!!!
DeleteYou fuckig portuguese baboon
Portuguese dirty racist ignorants hairy smelly arrogant cocky people!!!
ReplyDeleteIts a fact, every fucking body hates this dump
Os Portugueses realmente são uns imbecis. Estou a viver cá à três anos e já estou farto desta gente retardada.