Sunday, January 27, 2013

The worst drivers ever ?

I can say it out loud : Portuguese people are the worst drivers I've ever met. Even in ugly shit hole Slovakia they drive better. In general male drivers can say that "women can't drive". As a male driver I can say it's a bullshit, Portuguese people can't and don't know how to fucking drive,park and do whatever it takes with car !!!

Let's start from the most annoying part. Why do we use hazard light, huh ? Why some smart engineer designed this fucking big red triangle ? I was taught we should use it ONLY in some emergency like car crash, dangerous situation on highway and so on. But Portuguese people found other use of it, like :
- when you're going to shop to buy a fucking cake
- when you're gossiping with a friend on the main street
- when you're out of parking space
- when you're too dumb to park anywhere else
- when you're drop off someone on the main street

And they really don't give a shit of your horn. They have to chitchat a little and you have to wait because don't you see ?! He put hazard lights ON !

They don't know how to drive trough traffic circle. I can write a book about their disability in driving a car. They don't know how to use turn-signal. Let's say they are changing lane on highway from right to left. They put fucking left turn-signal and... don't turn it off !!!! This is fucking upsetting. They can drive with it till the next turn or when they overtake someone.

When I was young I thought that cars form "west" are the best, like Germany(true), France(true). When I came here and saw how cars are scratched, bent, knocked I immediately changed my mind. They don't know how to park. They don't know how to use a clutch and they don't care about cars. All of them are dirty, rusted. If someone will ask me "what the fuck do you know" I will answer "yes, I know" because I was living in other countries and with full responsibility I can say that  :


Saturday, January 26, 2013

Charming little country

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Here we go !!

I'm not Portuguese but I write this blog to warn as many people as possible of this fucked up country. I wanted to use domain but it is already taken :) :) Quote from this website is :
my name's Joana,
i'm 14,
i'm from Portugal
everybody's tell "i'm from portugal & with many taste"
i never told it
and never will tell it

i hate my country
i wanna be american

portugueses don't have talent
we're poor
ugly country"

We have the same feelings about this fucking "beautiful" country. I'm not English native speaker but I'll try to write without mistakes and clearly enough.

About me : I came here because of job. Not many people in Portugal can speak polish so it was easy to get a job. I'm working in a company which has "some" reputation...or should have. But I will focus on ordinary thing and daily tasks to bring for you how strongly fucked up this country is.